Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Brother Application

So I attempted to fill out an application for the tv show Big Brother. I didn't meet the deadline, but I thought some of the questions were somewhat insightful. So here are a few of the questions and my answers:

Do you have a temper? How often do you lose your temper? What provokes you?
Yes, I have a temper. It comes out rarely and only when my side of the story is ignored or when I am not given an opportunity to explain myself.

How do you deal with someone who intimidates you?
I make jokes about it.

If you could hold any political office, what would it be and why?
Actually, I would rather be a campaign speech writer because I like the idea of swaying a large crowd of people with words.

Who is your hero and why?
Andy Warhol - He started out as a graphic designer, rose to international acclaim, and didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of him. His character, the role he played, was absolute media genius. Plus, he was almost assassinated and that says a lot about a person. I mean, the difference between an assassination and a murder is publicity, right?

Finish this sentence: "My life's motto is..."
"... to never settle for less than I deserve."

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