Thursday, October 15, 2009

this and that.

long time since my last post... about 1 1/2 years... soooo yeah. a lot has happened since then.

for starters, i'm in love.
-with Nashville. and you. maybe.

the job is great. in addition to graphic design, i'm now in charge of social media for Journeys (ie. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc).

here are a series of pictures documenting my one and one-half year absence from you, oh beloved blogspot:

sister hazel concert


guitar shaped pool

crazy night. may have broken some parking garage light bulbs. at least 12.

cliff jumping at Rock Island

fish died. too big to flush.

green day concert for free.

snuck into a crazy party downtown.
citizen cope concert in front of Nashville court house.

that's all i got for now. i'll try and post again soon.
i miss you.

"we shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - t.s. elliot (little gidding)
